Doctors are now capable of saving an increasing number of very premature babies, some of whom have even more disabling conditions.
Sutcliff's early schooling was constantly interrupted by moving house and her disabling condition.
Early preventive care for children will reduce the incidence of chronic disabling conditions among workers in later years.
First, how to shift disability representation off from the body and into the interface between people with impairments and socially disabling conditions.
After having recovered he devoted his energies to therapy for others suffering light-to-moderate disabling conditions.
The deficiency will have to be present for an extensive amount of time until such disabling conditions manifest.
Ephedra can cause severe life-threatening or disabling conditions in some people.
Third, the worker was committed to the idea that treatment of a medical or disabling condition should not take precedence over the child's social, emotional and cultural needs.
This is fatal or disabling condition that causes lost family time and working time.
As you reported as long ago as Aug. 18, 1989, depression - most often missed in the elderly - is among the most disabling conditions.