Most come from broken and disadvantaged families, and many are the children of single mothers.
The program, which prepares 3- and 4-year-olds in disadvantaged families for elementary school, now serves only 20 percent of the eligible children.
Although nearly half the students come from disadvantaged families, they comprise one of the highest graduation levels in the state with 94.6%.
Securing a place in a public university is considered a major step towards a successful career, especially for those from rural areas or disadvantaged families.
She is known primarily for her advocacy of the disadvantaged families of America.
We are all in this together, unless you are a disadvantaged family.
Students from disadvantaged families experience greater losses in skills during summer vacation.
They established schools to educate their sons and held common lands to aid disadvantaged families.
This, in turn, has led to the most disadvantaged families being driven away from the city centres.
Out of 8200 students, 82% are minority and 81% come from economically disadvantaged families.