I sort of enjoy being on the same team with people with whom I disagree politically - there's a spark about it.
"I think the truth is that there are people who don't believe it's genuine because they disagree with me politically," the President said, in response to a question.
You killed him because he disagreed with you politically?
Bystanders, virtually all of whom are black, have been slain on the merest suspicion that they disagree politically with their killers.
She and I disagree politically, but she gets in there and fights for the things she believes in.
McClerkin argued that the list may have contained the names of those who merely disagreed with Rockefeller politically.
They'd disagree with it morally and politically, but if they turned him in, then the house would be confiscated and they'd lose their home.
Nonetheless, many critics, even those who disagree politically with Mr. Grass, seem genuinely pained at having to condemn a book for which they had such high hopes.
Bystanders have been murdered on the merest suspicion that they disagreed politically with their killers.
Though as a Republican she disagreed politically with her cousin, she and Eleanor Roosevelt remained close throughout their lives.