Powell viewed this Widmerpoole as a mean-spirited and disagreeable character, and "had his name down for really quite a long time as a name I was going to use".
Elizabeth flatly rejects him, noting his arrogant, disagreeable, and proud character, and his involvement in her sister's failed romance and Mr Wickham's misfortune.
The message passed was that "Greuze is an excellent painter but a very disagreeable character."
That's when an altogether disagreeable character gets hers, a mere member of the expendable masses, degraded by witless bureaucratic forces in the phony name of progress.
Not a villain-like character, but sometimes disagreeable.
I peered out once more, wondering if the other plant-types around us were all possessed of some disagreeable and aggressive character or ability, like the bowl-flowers.
Muriel is perhaps this author's most disagreeable character, though she is not seen without pity.
"Everything dies, sooner or later," says the nagging voice of Libby, the disagreeable character Miss Davis plays in "Whales of August."
He was a more disagreeable and slightly less likable character nine years ago.
How he knew from which coach to retrieve her is a puzzle; I expect he was telling a tale, but even this made him a very disagreeable character.