More disagreements ensued and the church was again closed in June 1846.
Needless to say, a violent disagreement might ensue (provided the target survived the cannonball) over whose measurement was correct.
After Osho's death, various disagreements ensued concerning his wishes and his legacy.
Proposals for renovation or extension of the church were put forward from the 1790s, and lengthy disagreements ensued.
Various disagreements between the makers ensued, and the official pilot was not aired until September 15, 1964.
A testy disagreement ensued as to who should shoot the new footage.
But disagreements ensued between the donor and the church, and, having spent some $200,000 for restoration of the main tower, he withdrew his offer.
A disagreement about Soviet policy apparently ensued.
The attempt at dominance was not well received by TWI and disagreement ensued leading to a split in the sport.
As a result, a bitter disagreement ensued as to who would retain the number '7'.