On May 14, Rona Barrett reviewed the film on television and called it "a disappointing failure".
After the disappointing failure of the Valkyrie to gain orders, it was evident that Saunders' traditional wooden hulled flying boats were out of date.
It said the ambulatory care system, an eight-year-old project to get primary care and continuity of care to poor families, has been an especially disappointing failure.
His most disappointing failures occurred at consecutive Western Opens in Chicago.
Despite the disappointing failure of the original Malayalam version, the dubbed Tamil version became a smash hit at the box office.
Someone, after all, must draw the line between, say, the outrage of slave labor and the disappointing failure to encourage collective bargaining.
Walter Starr sighed like a man staring at a profoundly disappointing failure.
In many critical areas, his best efforts bump up against disappointing failures.
Unless the government can be persuaded to change its mind, this decision represents a disappointing failure to embark on a much needed set of reforms.
However, disappointing failures in the post-season have demonstrated that a curse may still loom over the ball club.