Though John's letters were disappointingly short and uninformative from Abigail's perspective, he pushed her to give lengthy descriptions of all that was happening at home.
Green apple, celeriac and Roquefort salad is disappointingly short on celery root.
It should be showing these things, but thus far it has fallen disappointingly short.
It had a disappointingly short run at Playwrights Horizons.
Restitution can often fall disappointingly short of fully undoing a wrong.
But the package falls disappointingly short of the Mayor's original goal.
All roads lead, after a disappointingly short drive, to shopping malls, fast-food strips and ranch houses laid out in grids.
And he was too far away, yet, to be reached by the skull gun, whose infinitesimal bullets had a disappointingly short range.
Less Than a Year Left City Council leaders said the plan was disappointingly short on specifics.
The troupe's practice schedule - four hours a day, one hour nonstop - leaves her with calluses and disappointingly short fingernails.