"Otherwise, it would have been prohibitive," said Mrs. Mebane, a disarmingly direct woman, who moved from Pennsylvania with her husband 27 years ago.
Alice was a mildly attractive brunette in her mid-thirties, with blue eyes and a disarmingly direct manner.
A curious and delightful paradox is how much he enjoys playing cat-and-mouse and putting people on, yet how disarmingly direct and honest he can be.
At first impression, the house appears raw and unresolved, but the design is disarmingly direct.
Luckily, Dinosaur Jr. has disarmingly direct lyrics and full-fledged melodies to bury in the noise.
"Even when I was waitressing, I still considered myself a star," says Miss Hopkins in her disarmingly direct manner.
Ms. Ferguson is thin, blond and disarmingly direct.
She had a disarmingly direct gaze and Bonny looked slightly abashed by the praise.
As played last year by Annette Bening, the character was a disarmingly direct oddball who further compounded the familial and sexual tensions of the play.
Many are self-portraits, in which Kahlo recreated her disarmingly direct gaze and masculine-feminine features on the canvas.