In 1989, he initiated an international plan of action against the disastrous flooding in Bangladesh.
Extreme precipitation of up to 37.42 inches (940 mm) caused disastrous flooding, damaging 474 houses and destroying 54.
This rainfall, which followed an exceptionally wet summer led to disastrous flooding in Lynmouth with 34 dead and extensive damage to the small town.
Much of that precipitation was received into the Susquehanna from its western tributaries, and the valley suffered disastrous flooding.
In the past, this has caused disastrous flooding in the town, the worst in the town's history being in 1953.
For many areas, the rains of Friday and Saturday only undid the progress made after last winter's disastrous flooding.
This global redistribution of water would subject some areas to disastrous flooding.
The storm is believed to have caused disastrous flooding in Jamaica and Cuba.
In July 1997 there was disastrous flooding in the Oder river basin.
The year 2010 was marked by disastrous flooding in many countries of Europe, with Poland suffering two floods.