I hesitated to tell her about the disastrous meeting with Agent Huitt.
After his disastrous meeting with his father, Adam had de- cided his only recourse was an additional student loan from the medical center.
He attends a disastrous meeting with his agent, who has lost interest in Joe and his career, and an up-and-coming director.
A disastrous meeting with the bishop (who was "high-handed, arrogant and very, very rude") led to that idea being scrapped.
Mr. ul-Haq was clearly referring to the group's last, disastrous meeting in Belgrade four years ago.
His relationship with investment bankers was strained almost to breaking during a disastrous meeting at the New York Federal Reserve offices last week.
His thoughts turned now to the last, nearly disastrous meeting between himself and the High Council.
He climbed aboard the black gelding he had been riding since he returned from the disastrous meeting with Etzilios.
Nothing substantial, just what they had squeezed from the poor men and women who were at the disastrous meeting where the secret was first brought to Earth.
After that disastrous first meeting, Mira had styled herself after the paper's most successful reporters.