But, Bernanke never challenged the credit (debt) orthodoxy, when he became the Chairman of the Fed, prior to the Financial Crisis, and following Greenspan's disastrous reign.
His first concern was to restore order and re-establish royal authority after the disastrous reign of his father.
He was succeeded by his son Charles VI the Mad, whose disastrous reign allowed the English to regain control of large parts of France.
To listen to Bush talk about compassionate conservatism is to realize that Republicans may have learned something from Newt Gingrich's disastrous reign as party leader.
Osborne has no expertise in economics yet he is holding steadfast to disastrous reigns.
During the long and disastrous reign of King David II of Scotland, Robert Stewart acted a patriotic part in the defense of the kingdom.
Brittle's disastrous reign ended acrimoniously with him heavily criticised in a judicial report.
Throughout the whole of his brief, turbulent, and disastrous reign, he gives evidence of a mild and amiable character.
Craig McLean speaks to the key players involved in the acclaimed but controversial account of Brian Clough's disastrous 44-day reign at Leeds.
Mao set out these portable ideas well before his disastrous reign as quasi-emperor of China.