The battle took place on the border between Hagga and Cthan, and our informants advise us that Urgit was disastrously defeated, barely escaping with his life.
During monsoon of 1766, whole of Zamorin domain rose in revolt but were disastrously defeated at Putiyangadi near Ponnani after which they chose to fight only guerrilla warfare.
That Twin Worlds had already been disastrously defeated was beyond dispute; it only remained to learn the full extent of the catastrophe, and to see if any people would remain alive.
But on 17 July 1453, his army was disastrously defeated at Castillon and Talbot himself killed.
He rallied an 18,000-strong force and set sail from Lagos only to be disastrously defeated at the Battle of Alcácer-Quibir.
Kray's successor, Archduke John of Austria was disastrously defeated at the Battle of Hohenlinden in December.
There a fierce battle was fought, and the Rosses were disastrously defeated.
Although Washington transferred a small group of regulars to assist Clark, the detachment was disastrously defeated in August 1781 before they could meet up with Clark, ending the campaign.
He was afterward given command of the Southern Department, where his army was disastrously defeated at Camden in 1780, ending his field leadership.
The Calchaquíes took up arms, but they were disastrously defeated.