He simply won in his hand, crossed to the spade ace and discarded his diamond loser on the heart king.
So, if East had played low, declarer would have discarded his diamond loser and got home.
He could not be prevented from drawing trumps and eventually discarding his diamond loser on a spade winner.
He can play the club ace and discard his diamond loser unless East has fewer than two spades.
East returned a club, and South kept control by discarding his diamond loser.
East was forced to ruff, and South discarded his remaining diamond loser.
He now had a sure trump loser, and needed to discard his diamond loser quickly on a spade winner.
South took the ace and could have played club winners to discard his diamond loser.
She then ruffed a heart and discarded her diamond loser on the club queen.
He then crossed to the heart queen, led a winning club and discarded his diamond loser.