You cannot simply discard parts of yourself because they are painful.
You have to ignore parts of it, or discard parts of it.
Conventional rockets, even the space shuttle, are not totally reusable because with each use they discard parts like fuel tanks, booster rockets or spent lower stages.
The feeble economy is offering opportunities not seen in a decade, and many troubled companies are eager to discard parts of their businesses.
Zzt was banging around in the transport repair shop, throwing down tools, discarding parts, and generally making an agitated din.
Like workers discarding bad parts before assembling a car, genetic engineers reduce errors by discarding bad chains.
Prepare scallions: discard white parts, chop a few inches of green parts into rounds and slice remainder lengthwise.
Drain the cod and discard any skin and tough parts.
Conventional rockets are not totally reusable because they discard parts with each flight.
Pat dry on kitchen paper and cut into small pieces, discarding any sinew or damaged parts.