After leaving school at Harrow, Massingberd discarded initial plans to attend the University of Cambridge, instead choosing to work as a law clerk.
While Thordred seemed to listen, he swiftly pondered and discarded plans.
He also said the Governing Council had "discarded" American plans for a caucus-style selection process for a transitional government.
After discarding various plans for a more historical look, Mr. Zuckerman says, "we're making a frankly modern addition, without masking the fact."
Meanwhile, she thought, planned, and discarded plans, watching every chance, noticing everything.
For days he made and discarded plans, but finally he tossed them all out of his mind.
In one episode, when a Chevrolet El Camino was turned into a Figure 8 race car, James discarded plans for a spoiler on the vehicle, sarcastically citing the first rule.
There was nothing she could do for a while but watch him, study him, debate and discard various plans of attack.
By discarding plans to raise federal spending on training, education and infrastructure for the sake of balanced budgets, mainstream Democrats took on the fiscal coloration of conservative Republicans.
He also discarded plans for extending the charge zone to the suburbs, and announced he will review the western extension implemented in 2007, based on a public consultation planned for September 2008.