This has no discernible connection with the love true he found or the one we're supposed to believe is easy to find.
We tried the day's special, a delicious chestnut chocolate cake, rich and light, with no discernible local connection.
Many of the stories could easily fit into more than one of the categories, while others have no discernible connection with their designated element.
These people have no discernible connection with our friends.
On the contrary, we want the delivery to be made by someone who has no discernible connection to law enforcement.
All are living in Texas, none with any discernible connection to politics or law enforcement.
He has no discernible connection with his family.
One strange thing about Patty, given her strong family orientation, was that she had no discernible connection to her roots.
There wasn't always a discernible connection between the name and the dress.
Ferris openly criticized the matter, and offered several bits of data to prove that there is no discernible connection between two.