No discernible trace of an accent-any accent, for that matter.
Dog Perry worked through it quickly and calmly, getting back to his preparations with no discernible trace of guilt upon his blank expression.
Checketts, speaking in understatement and with a barely discernible trace of delight, framed the task at hand for his employee.
There was "no discernible trace" of a plane found in the wreckage, and the entrance and exit holes in the building were far too small.
At least this ship was easy to identify, not like the barely discernible trace of a Suliban ship.
The group appears to have left no discernible traces on the Internet, and no website could be found.
The police, the reporter added with a discernible trace of pleasure, were refusing to guarantee the man's safety.
They create vast fireballs and powerful shock waves that nonetheless leave few or no discernible traces on the ground, since they begin so high up.
"But we both know there are some anesthetics that can debilitate quickly, and dissipate without a discernible trace within two or three hours."
When she spoke English, it was with no discernible trace of an accent.