Poole produced some 36 wood-engravings from 1977 to 1993, which were snapped up by discerning collectors.
Ms. Gund's reputation as a discerning collector is formidable, and the art world responded.
Besides, it's surely only a matter of time before my closet is celebrated as that of a prescient and discerning collector.
"He was quite a discerning collector, but since he didn't have unlimited resources, he bought carefully and the collection grew over time."
His drawings sold well to discerning collectors, and a solo show at the Vienna Secession just months before he died was a critical and financial success.
If nothing else, these musicians, Barbara and Eugene Holzer, are discerning collectors.
"She distinguished herself by bringing beauty and craftsmanship into the realm of the discerning collector with average means."
To the discerning collector over a dozen different die casts have been identified, affecting the relative rarity of each specimen found.
Wallis was also a discerning collector.
Walpole was a keen and discerning collector of art.