The Peninsula occupies a distinct niche among discerning readers, with its depth and breadth of coverage.
Two of the slogans are "The voice and choice of discerning readers" and "You're not getting it all without us".
In the same way, the moral value of the Bible generates spiritually discerning readers, who see its power to transform their lives.
The discerning readers concluded that the telescope was actually mimicking an ophthalmoscope, an instrument used to examine the interior of the eye.
Some of the article's misstatements are easily sniffed out by the discerning reader.
A. Dear John: You are a discerning and prescient reader.
The discerning reader will perceive that this book is addressed to men.
RT Book Reviews said the book "will please even the most discerning reader."
The poem has many hidden layers of meaning, offering food for thought to the discerning reader.
Classic works loved by generations of discerning readers.