You can't discharge me until the end of the season.
He continued to discharge the duties of this post until his death in 1715.
I tried to get permission to leave hospital on the sixth, but they refused to discharge me until the eighth.
Allegheny County cities did not stop discharging raw sewage into rivers until 1939.
There, she discharged cargo until the 12th, when she shifted back to Kiirun.
However, due to crowded harbor conditions, she did not begin discharging cargo until 6 May 1918.
She commenced disembarking her marines the following day, but did not start discharging cargo until the 29th.
He discharged the varied duties of this office with diligence and success until 1866.
He continued to discharge the duties of the ministry until 1869, when he resigned.
Re-elected on 1 December 1679, he discharged the duties again until 30 November 1700.