In 1971, Nasution was suddenly discharged from military service, aged 53 and two years before the designated retirement age of 55.
Fangio was discharged before his 22nd birthday after taking his final physical examination.
Stevens rejoined the Browns after being discharged before the 1946 season, appearing in 122 games while hitting .248 with three home runs.
A recruit can be discharged from the Army before the conclusion of Basic Training.
NiCd batteries suffer the drawback that they should be fully discharged before recharge.
Those sentenced to the ludi should not be discharged before five years or three years if awarded manumission.
"The fact is, since police officers have had 9-millimeter weapons, they have actually discharged less than before that," the Mayor said.
My father was able to rehire a journeyman whom he had discharged four weeks before devaluation.
He mentioned three men who had been discharged dead just before the mutiny.
I was discharged somewhat before her and went home to reweave threads torn loose by the war.