Around 20 Nobel Laureates in sciences have participated usually at every disciplinary meeting in the past.
He's got a right to be there but was he at other disciplinary meetings this year?
So then we had to bring in legal advice to say it was fundamentally wrong, what they did in the disciplinary meeting.
It has been reported on 8 May 2012 that Barmby was sacked as manager following a disciplinary meeting with the owners.
Perhaps you should become a governor of a school and attend the permanent exclusion disciplinary meetings with students.
In fact, the first disciplinary meeting saw fines issued to three of the four clubs with representatives on the committee.
You know I have a disciplinary meeting with two of the girls in a few minutes and I hate to be late.
UEFA said it was not their policy for players or club representatives to attend disciplinary meetings.
Remember that the employee has the right to be accompanied by a colleague or union representative at any formal disciplinary meeting.
Since 1975, any union member called into a disciplinary meeting has had the right to be accompanied by a co-worker.