It uses a unique combination of behavioral therapy, play therapy, and parent training to teach more effective discipline techniques and improve the parent-child relationship.
The results of a national household survey indicate that paddling is a discipline technique that 10% of parents are "very likely to use".
The results showed parents used a variety of discipline techniques with their children.
But they are more suspicious of discipline techniques at school.
Q. So different discipline techniques are needed for different dogs?
These groups provide grandparents with a wide range of information, including updates on discipline techniques ("What do you mean they don't spank anymore?"
Read on for barriers to good behavior, effective discipline techniques, and when to get help for dangerous behavior patterns.
The discipline techniques you choose may depend on the type of inappropriate behavior your child displays, your child's age, your child's temperament, and your parenting style.
All discipline techniques must be age-appropriate so that the child understands the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behavior.
One major empirical finding in support for positive learning techniques has been the positive effect of praise-based discipline techniques in classrooms.