Even as they concede difficulties, military officials are anxious to maintain popular support and have presented a picture of a successful and disciplined campaign.
But the change is evident to anyone watching him, and it shows a much more disciplined campaign than Mr. Dole's previous attempts.
Mr. Sarkozy ran an extraordinarily disciplined campaign with a single message: change, but not too much to scare voters.
Yes, Mr. Wilson's disciplined campaign, tied to Proposition 187's call for ending government benefits to illegal immigrants, was effective.
For the Democrats, nominating Kerry is that act - and now he's running a professional, disciplined campaign.
From the moment Bush stepped into office, he's been leading a sly and extremely disciplined campaign to destroy, dismantle, unravel, undo 30 years of environmental-regulations development.
Mr. McBride ran a disciplined, strategic campaign that enabled him to overcome a nearly 50-point deficit in the polls despite having nearly no name recognition.
I have run a disciplined campaign concentrating on Texas values like safe streets and low taxes.
Mr. Clinton survived with a remarkably disciplined campaign that stayed focused on the economy and what he often called "the forgotten middle class."
Yingluck electrified her supporters, ran a disciplined campaign and promised Thaksin-style populist.