Bush Documents Show Broader Enron Contacts Documents released by the White House showed that administration officials had more extensive contacts with Enron executives in 2001 than previously disclosed.
"We don't disclose contacts with clients," Kurt Schiltknecht, an aide, said.
Last November, Al Shiraa was the first publication to disclose secret contacts between Iran and the United States in which weapons were traded for American hostages held in Lebanon.
Mr. Messemer had also testified that Mr. Lee did not disclose contacts he made with Chinese scientists during an approved trip to Beijing in 1986.
White House officials had more extensive contacts with Enron executives in 2001 than previously disclosed, according to a document released by the Bush administration today in response to a request for information from a Senate committee.
The three counts included conducting financial transactions with Libya, failing to report to the Internal Revenue Service money received from overseas and failure to disclose past contacts with suspected terrorists during the naturalization process.
Mr. Messemer had testified at the December bail hearing that Dr. Lee had not disclosed certain contacts with Chinese scientists during officially sanctioned, professional visits to Beijing in the 1980's.
The Justice Department has begun an inquiry into whether Mr. Starr's office failed to disclose early contacts with lawyers working for Ms. Jones.
'Protective Gear' for Workers The measure would require those infected to disclose sexual contacts to health authorities within seven days.