The penalties for failing to disclose defects to federal auto regulators are not onerous.
Case law changes have been coming at frequent intervals, particularly those affecting liability for disclosing defects in house construction.
The obligation of sellers, brokers and lawyers to disclose known defects in real estate being offered for sale is part of the developing common law, Mr. Casale said.
His death set off a series of events that would expose flaws in how producers of critical heart devices disclose defects to doctors and patients.
"People are asking more questions," said Adorna Carroll, a New Britain realtor who feels penalties should be imposed for failure to disclose known defects.
Brokers also may be sued if buyers suspect that they have not disclosed defects which are discovered after a sale, so they, too, are interested in warranties.
The report, by the Inspector General of the Air Force, Lieut. Gen. Bradley C. Hosmer, also disclosed defects in the planning of the operation.
A previous similar problem with the cargo door on the same type of plane, although it did not lead to an accident, had disclosed defects in the locks.
Failure to disclose latent defects of which the landlord knows or has reason to know.
The company subsequently disclosed defects in other devices as well, recalled tens of thousands of flawed units and was hit with a barrage of lawsuits and investigations.