Williams said she did nothing wrong in failing to disclose her relationship with Robinson before the fight, which ultimately established him as a top contender.
The move appeared to be an effort by the Government to avoid publicly disclosing its past financial relationship with the former Panamanian dictator.
Billy's father does not recognize his son nor does Billy disclose his relationship to the man.
In particular, the company did not disclose its relationship with a California real estate developer and the risks that relationship entailed.
Neither the judge nor Ms. Mitsos disclosed their relationship to the other litigants, the report said.
They had planned to marry, but had not wanted to disclose their relationship until Marjorie got a divorce.
But a 1990 security investigation had disclosed to the Army his new relationship with a German woman and his mounting debts, the affidavit said.
Should Justice Huttner have disclosed their relationship in court, given their friendship?
(501) Ms. Lewinsky also obliquely threatened to disclose their relationship.
"Their question was, do we have to disclose our relationship with Alpirez?"