The House quickly introduced legislation forbidding retailers from disclosing video-rental records without a customer's permission or court order.
"As such, AT&T may disclose such records to protect its legitimate business interests, safeguard others, or respond to legal process."
A judge has ruled that Standard & Poor's is not required to disclose its notes and records of meetings with companies.
All agencies of the U.S. Government are required to disclose records upon receiving a written request for them.
New regulations proposed by the Clinton administration on medical privacy would prohibit a health insurance company from disclosing medical records to a bank.
Iraq's refusal to disclose records of its weapons programs prompted more calls for military confrontation today.
Mr. Fox has voluntarily disclosed records showing that thousands of small donors give him a few pesos each month.
The judge rejected the organization's contention that disclosing such records could have a chilling effect on patients across the state.
Governments have often refused to disclose medical records of military personnel who have been used as experimental subjects.
The department had previously refused to disclose such records on the ground that such action might violate the privacy rights of the individuals involved.