The editors expanded that disclosure policy to other types of articles including reviews of previously published research.
One explanation is that the Fed was locked in by its new disclosure policy.
The bill would require that a financial institution provide customers with general notice about its privacy and disclosure policy.
She is organizing a task force of Pitt agents to draw up disclosure policy for the company.
The release of this formerly classified information was part of a wider disclosure policy I followed throughout my tenure.
Also, you must provide an annual notice to your customers regardless of your disclosure policies and practices.
In most of the 13 cases, the researchers determined that the authors violated disclosure policies by neglecting to provide the journals with appropriate information.
This voluntary disclosure policy is effective immediately and applies to all meetings going forward.
But often they do not, according to an analysis of disclosure policies in science and medical journals.
The new disclosure policy was adopted partly in response to longstanding calls from Congress and investors for the Fed to be more open.