The office establishes regulations and helps with financial disclosure reports.
A few days later financial disclosure reports revealed that Cimperman had nearly a 5 to 1 lead in campaign funds.
The President also has a blind trust estimated to be worth $100,001 to $250,000, his disclosure report says.
He has set a target, though a moving one, of having $750,000 in the bank when financial disclosure reports are filed on June 30.
The vice president's most recent financial disclosure report valued the stock at $250,000 to $500,000.
The disclosure reports show thousands of dollars going toward meals and entertainment for supporters.
Regarding her short financial disclosure reports, she has said, "When you don't have money, it's easy.
In early 1992, the campaign amended the disclosure report to include the loans that had been omitted.
He bought stock in both firms in 2000, according to his financial disclosure reports.
Several of the largest donors are longtime Bush supporters, according to the group's financial disclosure report.