The only disconcerting sight was that everyone here was Nevisian.
For an instant, he'd seen the alien on Alia's face, and it was a disconcerting sight.
It was a very disconcerting sight; but doubtless an escalator would have appeared just as unsettling to a Neanderthal Man.
It was a disconcerting sight; then Falcon again reminded himself that nothing really solid could possibly hover in this atmosphere.
It was a most disconcerting sight.
Zedd narrowed his eyes at her, a disconcerting sight, coming from a wizard.
A disconcerting sight, to one who had known Geilie Duncan and seen her mad humor laugh out of those clear green depths.
The trunk kept wiggling back and forth, snuffling along the ground, a disconcerting sight.
She blew smoke through her oddly shaped nose - a disconcerting sight, for Mallory.
It was a disconcerting sight, and Riker felt as if the alien's face had gone out of focus.