Coca-Cola discontinued making Swerve in 2005.
After doing business like this, in 1972 Woelbing discontinued making sales calls, which had mostly been in Wisconsin, Illinois and parts of Indiana.
Disillusioned, Viguié discontinued making commercial films.
Bill Mangels, a sales representative for the company, said that his company is about to discontinue making the power zoom binoculars.
Here is one: "I'd appreciate it if you'd discontinue making deprecating remarks regarding the other Talents' capabilities, styles and performances."
The company discontinued making electric vehicles that same year.
The company discontinued making purchases in Germany in September 1933, and closed its German office at the same time.
He remained at LVN until 1961, when the studio discontinued making films.
However they were forced to discontinue making blades which also fit razor handles made by Gillette.
Studebaker was so confident of the new technology that they discontinued making horse drawn carriages in 1919.