The United Nations has also been concerned not to discourage countries from contributing troops.
He called for strengthened financial disclosure rules and guidelines that would "discourage countries from taking too many risks" when they borrow money.
But American policy should not stand in the way of the protesters defending themselves; nor should it discourage other countries or entities from assisting protesters.
A forgiveness program, they feared, would discourage poor countries from making difficult decisions to reform their economies.
If the prototype failed, he argued, it would discourage countries like Russia or even South Korea from following the same path.
Additionally, there have been other, specific actions meant to discourage countries from developing nuclear arms.
South Korea discouraged countries from giving food to the North.
President Bush would be wise to forgo outright denunciation of the court or any attempt to discourage other countries from ratifying the treaty.
It is not the policy of the United States to discourage countries with freely elected governments.
Would it not be unreasonable to discourage developing countries from employing modern, efficient, cost-effective and humane systems of animal husbandry?