The club are also forced to erect a temporary fence on matchdays to discourage unpaid entry to the ground.
Furthermore, live oak forests discourage entry of fire from adjacent communities because they provide dense cover that discourages the growth of a flammable understory.
Limit Pricing, where the price is set by a monopolist at a level intended to discourage entry into a market.
Like a stock exchange, multiple listing services make markets more efficient, but only if they don't discourage entry by new competitors.
It's also nicely protected-nothing as sophisticated as a soft perimeter, but still with enough standard safeguards to discourage illegal entry.
They add, "The state can and often does discourage entry by firms that use more productive work practices through the subsidization of existing firms."
Major problems discouraged entry.
A limit price is the price set by a monopolist to discourage entry into a market, and is illegal in many countries.
It was fitted with a custom lock intended to discourage unauthorized entry.
In this context, by repeatedly fighting rivals with low prices, a predator increases its reputation for "toughness"; and thus encourages exit and discourages future entry.