Mr. Palau first visited New England in 1970 when he heard some potentially discouraging news from a Presbyterian minister.
The really discouraging news is that despite the roughly $16 million raised at auction, the society still hasn't enough money to insure its future even past September.
Perhaps the most discouraging news for Mr. Dole is that voters' attitudes toward him and Mr. Clinton remain virtually unmoved since October 1995.
Their release this week is likely to bring more discouraging news: The trade gap is expected to reach a record high for 2003.
This discouraging news seemed to galvanize Mormons in Utah to continue their pursuit of statehood, but with a somewhat different proposal.
A believer in meditation, he has a self-discipline and centered sense that allows him to step up to even the most discouraging news with a jaunty stride.
Last week, Marc Whitten posted on the Xbox 360 press page some discouraging news.
Perhaps the most discouraging news was that the AIDS virus can almost instantaneously become resistant to new drugs.
Op-Ed: An Unstimulating Stimulus Package Feb 10, 2009 - Last week we heard some very discouraging news from some of the nation's top employers.
The area of socializing held the most discouraging news for female athletes.