Today biologists continue to troll the basin hoping to discover promising biochemical compounds.
BioLineRx is a drug development company that seeks to discover compounds with potential to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer, schizophrenia and cardiac deterioration.
The same group of researchers also discovered several new biochemical compounds in Eurycoma longifolia and screened them for cytotoxic properties.
Galileo transmitted a large number of spectral images and discovered several non-ice compounds on the surface of Ganymede.
OneWorld Health is also working to discover antibacterial compounds for treating bloody diarrhea shigellosis, in partnership with Anacor Pharmaceuticals.
Scientists have discovered high levels of DDT and other organic compounds in this deadly plastic soup.
In 1868 he discovered pyridine and related organic compounds such as picoline through studies on the distillation of bone-oil and other animal matter.
Q. A lot of the companies that have gone public this year offer technology for use by drug companies in testing genes or discovering lead compounds.
In his later career, Siddiqui continued to discover and isolate numerous unique anti-bacterial compounds from various parts (leaves, bark, etc.) of the Neem and other plants.
For instance, only one out of every ten thousand discovered compounds actually becomes an approved drug for sale.