But scientists have discovered subtle genetic differences within its chromosomes that make it unique.
However, beginning at once, and through the three days that followed, I quickly began to discover differences in them.
Finally living under the same roof as her father, she was discovering differences and conflicts with him that she never knew existed.
Through her observations she discovered differences in parenting styles that related to class distinctions.
But if they paused to reflect, they would discover several differences between R.
Further research needs to be done to discover differences among those with attention disorders.
And now I have discovered slight differences in the blood of different patients.
But after attending 10 hours of classes at each school, I discovered marked differences.
Neuroscientists are beginning to discover physical differences between the thrill-seeking brain and the more tentative one.
This paved the way for breakthroughs like discovering differences in men's and women's heart attack symptoms.