Moore infiltrates the facility and discovers files on both him and Jake, who he now realizes was a separate person all along.
Investigators said they discovered files in Mr. Stevens's office listing a small number of customers and what types of exotic items they wanted.
He eased them open, one at a time, expecting the mini-kin to explode at his face, but he discovered only his usual business supplies, stapler, cellophane-tape dispenser, scissors, pencils, and files.
Luna breaks into his embassy in Paris where she discovers files on students in Noble High for "Project Scion".
He sorted through every drawer and discovered mundane files containing bills and varied official correspondence, none of which offered the clue he needed.
While Mack is speaking on the phone, Star Booty starts snooping around for evidence and discovers files that show evidence of her sister's murder, alcohol, and exploiting of women.
Military officials said they also discovered files in the house showing the names of people who had been tortured and executed for cooperating with the Americans and their allies.
Any agent who opens my bag will discover files branded with the Department of Homeland Security seal.
In September, Jon Lee Anderson reported from the Libyan capital, where he discovered files revealing that "U.S. and British intelligence agents had sustained close relationships with Qaddafi's intelligence services."
The police seized Mr. DeRosario's computer and discovered files that led to his conviction for a series of sexual attacks involving 11 under-age boys.