When he is discovered hiding at his grandmother's nursing home, Porter returns and the charges are dropped.
He was discovered hiding in a garage in Hutton Road.
It would not do to be discovered hiding under the bed - especially in the middle of some heavy action.
A few women were discovered hiding here as well, but were found to be mad, and so put to death.
Ezra Ross was discovered hiding in the attic of the same tavern and immediately asked for a confessor.
He also happens to witness the arrest of a friend of his, an illegal immigrant, who is discovered hiding near the hotel.
It would be an embarrassment to be discovered hiding in such an undignified condition.
What would be the consequences for him, and his two sons, if he were discovered hiding Deirdre?
Glenn is discovered hiding in the shower holding a bloody sponge.
One of them had been discovered hiding a novel in her desk.