A new generation is discovering glamour, in the form of gold shoes worn for day - and why not?
Evidence of occupation and wealth has been discovered in the form of hoards.
All they discovered in the form of a suicide note were two words written on his personal computer: 'I'm sorry.'
A serpent was discovered in the garden this summer, however, in the form of a parasite called Myxobolus cerebralis.
Depressed and discouraged, she discovered hope in the form of a book at the supermarket.
Later, the area was occupied by Brigantes, whose activity was discovered in the form of axe fragments.
On 7 February 1962, a skeleton was discovered in the form of a seated burial.
Ruthenium was first discovered in the form of ruthenium oxide in a similar manner.
Gansus was discovered in the form of a single fossil foot in 1981.
It was during his observation that the Helium Gas was discovered on Sun in the form of a yellow flame!