Debbie, who has a daughter with spina bifida, had not had this test and only discovered her baby's condition when she was nearly eight months pregnant.
Many adults on the autism spectrum discover their condition much later in life, some being diagnosed as late as the age of forty.
Lily shows up to cheer on Shautieh, only to be the only one who discovers Shautieh's current condition.
The orphanage is left without replacement, and when the council discover its condition, a new manager is sent by them.
The mother did not discover the baby's condition until she woke the next afternoon about 2:30 p.m.
The duty nurse had discovered his condition when she had come to check his temperature.
Two of Mary's friends, who are listening at the door trying to discover Mary's condition, overhear Lily's outburst.
Since discovering his condition, Juan had agreed to become a spokesman for the MPD Foundation.
When Johannes discovers Constantin's condition, he speaks to him and admits that it was a mistake to send him away.
He tried to heave her off, then discovered his bound condition.