In 2007, the cryptographic keys responsible for Blu-ray and HD DVD content scrambling were discovered and released onto the Internet.
In the late 1980's, Mr. Adams worked on an engineering team at I.B.M. that discovered a bug in specialized chips that shuttle data onto a PC's floppy disks.
Mt. Erebus was first climbed by Shackletons Nimrod expedition team, and they discovered the Bearmore glacier as an entry onto the polar plateau.
When The Source makes himself known to the sisters and attacks them on the street outside the manor with a huge fireball, Piper attempts to attack him and discovers that she has a new power, which causes the street to melt while binding onto The Source causing him to get stuck.
The situation changed abruptly two years ago when Dr. Francoise Wendling of the Gustave Roussy Institute in Villejuif, France, discovered a new receptor, a protein that protrudes from the surface of cells and latches onto substances that fit it like a key in a lock.
I groped again, throwing the miscellaneous items I discovered onto the seat beside me until there were no more.
It is stated on the CinemaWeb website, the ghost was first discovered by a repairman fitting doors onto cinema one.