She and I had planned to investigate the details of each time she traveled, to discover similarities.
After his retirement Barks started reading Tolkien, and discovered similarities between their stories.
A meeting was held to convene women from Ghana's 110 districts, and discover similarities and differences in women's issues across the country.
He also discovered similarities between the astrological influence of the planets and the parts of the human brain.
He also discovered similarities in running posture between sprinters and top level distance runners, two disciplines previously thought to be exceedingly different.
They soon discover similarities for they are both trying to escape the past to start new lives....
They were able to discover similarities between the portions of the rice and human genomes stored in a computer database.
In the field of comparative religion, some have sought to discover similarities between Hinduism and other religions.
I should not be overly surprised to discover other remarkable similarities.
Discovering similarities between your native language, and the language you are studying is always a relief.