As long as there was a discreet entrance, it'd do very well.
Walk through the discreet entrance and up the stairs to find yourself in the city's most innovative Sicilian restaurant.
They have a discreet entrance.
A discreet entrance opens to a wood-paneled corridor, a black and white mosaic floor and a long hallway to the small check-in area.
Trees strung with glittery pinlights mark the discreet entrance on a street in the first stages of revitalization.
I've been here a few times," he says, "though I've always made a more discreet entrance than shooting out the lock.
The grotto is constructed with two doors to better allow discreet entrances and exits.
A man in late middle age was strolling down the narrow road, casually glancing at the discreet entrances to the few local shops and teahouses.
He needs something with a discreet entrance.
It was, however, the rear and more discreet entrance to the property that was most convenient to Dulles.