Overnight, the billboard was moved to a discreet location and uncovered.
Bellarius observes the action from a discreet location above.
He moved his car to a more discreet location, changed his hat, then returned.
Instead, he suggested that police set up drop-off points in more discreet locations, such as street corners and school grounds.
She tried hanging the line in a more discreet location, and the guards returned with an even firmer warning.
While the memorial is open to myriad interpretations, the information center, which ended up in a more discreet location at the site's eastern edge, is not.
Yet the combination of its discreet location, an understanding community, and sheer moxie has kept the place running solid as a hidden cultural mecca for many years.
The last hanging at Knavesmire was in 1801, after which the gallows were moved to a more discreet (although still public) location near the castle.
Even in such a discreet location, Jen had found yet greater anonymity and it was easier for the cab to drop him off nearby.
Jane is oblivious to the truth and went to a discreet location in Mexico with no cell phone reception.