It was established by the government of Gary Filmon in 1989, and is known for operating in a quiet and discreet manner.
Ruffles decorate a few, in a much more discreet manner than last season.
Then he assumed a discreet and confidential manner.
He pocketed the sawbuck I slipped him with the discreet manner that made him so popular with the other hotel patrons.
"Our personnel, whether Jewish, Christian or any other faith, are free to practice their religion as long as they do so in a discreet manner."
You have to do it in a discreet manner.
Although he continued to gamble he did so in a more discreet manner, and he stopped playing baccarat altogether, taking up whist instead.
So Kat needed to make the introduction in as discreet and unnoticed a manner a possible.
An agentmight attempt a kill under such conditions; the Loop indicted that this particular agent had an overriding need for more discreet manners.
Although today this practice might probably still survived and done in discreet manner.