Here we review the studies on the effect of ethanol and alcoholic beverages on gastric acid secretion in humans and discuss the possible reasons for the apparently discrepant results.
"When we saw those statistics," said Judge Richard P. Conaboy, the sentencing commission's chairman, "our theory was a law, no matter how well-intentioned it was, if it's causing such discrepant results, then the law has to be changed and a new method has to be installed."
To maintain the integrity of the laboratory process, the medical laboratory scientist recognizes factors that could introduce error and rejects contaminated or sub-standard specimens, as well as investigates discrepant results.
A 2013 study examined the reasons for the discrepant results, and concluded that the best support was for the monophyly of Gingko and cycads, these being the earliest diverging gymnosperms.
However, this discrepant result can be used to modify the connection weights thereby leading to a more accurate solution and a smaller error term.
These discrepant results may stem from differences in HUVEC culture conditions and the flow cytometric assay.
In view of these discrepant results it seems unlikely that coexisting HBV infection plays a significant role in the aetiopathogenesis of alcohol related liver damage, at least in areas of low HBV prevalence such as Britain.
The dark flow team is likely underestimating their error bars, he added, and a better statistical analysis would give their findings as 2.2 million mph plus or minus 1.8 million mph, which brings the two discrepant results more or less in agreement.
Some experts who have read both articles say their apparently discrepant results may prove reconcilable.
There are discrepant results on the outcomes for patients with lung metastases at diagnosis who undergo orthotopic liver transplantation following complete resolution of lung disease in response to pretransplant chemotherapy.