Convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity of competing measures of emotional intelligence.
Campbell and Fiske (1959) introduced the concept of discriminant validity within their discussion on evaluating test validity.
A successful evaluation of discriminant validity shows that a test of a concept is not highly correlated with other tests designed to measure theoretically different concepts.
Therefore, we cannot claim discriminant validity between them.
They may want to show discriminant validity with a scale measuring Self-esteem.
Convergent validity, along with discriminant validity, is a subtype of construct validity.
Interestingly, their results indicate the lack of discriminant validity among the three factors of OI.
Maximizing the discriminant validity of phallometric assessment data.
Again, a series of studies suggest that the three-factor model displayed convergent and discriminant validity.
Evaluation of discriminant (divergent) validity - The construct being measured by a test should not correlate highly with different constructs.