Although there are more photographers who are women working today than 60 years ago, the discrimination continues.
This discrimination continued, and not just in a religious sense.
Nevertheless, racial discrimination continued and it was not until 1787 that the black population were allowed to give evidence against whites.
Some of it is unconscious, I am sure, but discrimination against mechanical beings will continue.
It is my view that discrimination has continued, all along, despite all the talk of change.
However, discrimination towards blacks continued as it did in the rest of society, and isolated incidents often broke out.
Roosevelt failed to put his personal prestige behind it and discrimination continued, especially in the South.
That meant discrimination could continue in a school's athletic department, for example, if only the biology department received Federal money.
Sadly, the laws are mostly merely on paper, as discrimination continues to play a role in Slovenian society.
Although racial discrimination continued in England, this case was the first to challenge such practices in court.