There is no need to prove discriminatory intent.
But without witnesses or evidence like the tape, it is often hard to prove discriminatory intent, he said.
It's the biggest exercise in disingenuous and discriminatory intent and action.
And as a lawyer, I am confused by its flawed approach to discriminatory intent.
The issue is whether the employer's actions were motivated by discriminatory intent.
They also charge that the discriminatory intent persists, even though the provision was re-enacted in 1968 as part of a new Constitution.
Before the 1982 voting rights amendments, proving discriminatory intent by the people who drew the lines was necessary to strike down a redistricting plan.
Instead, she must show that school officials had acted with discriminatory intent.
The Chief denied any discriminatory intent but agreed to bringing in an independent consultant to evaluate the procedures.
He argued that general discriminatory intent is not reason enough to deny preclearance.